
As Promised...Heeeeere's Johnny! (if you're squeamish, don't look)

Can you count the 7 screws? I'll give you a hint: there's 2 screws side-by-side on the far left. Look at how long that one screw is going left-to-right starting at the far left (and it's bent too). The doctor told me before the surgery that some people opt to go back and remove the hardware later. HOW?

Close-up of the damage. Notice the indentation of my forearm on the left side of the strips. That's from swelling.

OK, it really hurt to make this pose happen (thus the grimace). What you're looking at is my left elbow fully exposed post-staple removal. There's some steri-strips, kinda like band-aids, holding the incision closed. That's one big scar. Still pretty swollen and discolored along my forearm towards my wrist.

Believe it or not, I'm really not in a lot of pain. I attribute that to all your prayers, so please keep them coming!


Anonymous said...

Dang man, that looks like it hurt!

Best of luck for a speed recovery!!!



Or The Other?

Derrick Henslee said...

Kyle....I just threw up in my mouth a little. Nice battle wound though...Michele will be proud fer sher...

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing these photos. We were very sorry to read about your accident, but we know God is looking after you. I also know that you were prepared to share Christ in one way or another with those who cared for you. You and your lovely wife are special to us. I pray that God will continue to use you.

I enjoy reading your blog.

Carlos said...


Anonymous said...

Dude, been there. Did the same thing. they used less hardware. Skateboarding.

Les (Endlessly Restless) said...

My Dad has a saying that seems to fit:

That'd bring a tear to a glass eye!

Not politically correct, but ... Anyway, good to have you back in the land of the typing!

Kyle P. said...

Karl - yes, it hurt. It hurt real bad. Appreciate your well wishes
D-Rock - how'd ya keep it in? And no, Missy isn't proud one bit!
Dianna - why can't I read your blog?
Los - well said.
Vince - any recurring pain? Did you leave the hardware in? How 'bout metal detectors at airports?
ER - thanks. Good to be back! I'm blown away you read my blog.

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Re: BlogRush

That is a nasty scar and I hope you get well, and I suppose you know which stuff to take for it.

The blog looks good.
