
What God Doesn't Know...

Postmodernists will have a problem with this next one. If you don't know what "postmodernism" is, I'd like to invite you to explore its meaning here. In a nutshell, its the philosophical position that truth is relative depending upon what your perspective of truth might be. So, with that said....

God doesn't know......................any other Way to Heaven than Jesus.

I realize some people might be offended by such a statement, particularly the Jehovah's, Mormons, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Scientologists, etc. Each of these other religions has their own perspective on Heaven and how one actually gets there. However, God says...

Postmoderns tend to think there are many ways to Heaven. God, by His Word, would suggest otherwise.

Have you ever struggled with offending someone by telling them the One Way to Heaven?