
I'm All About Shattering Taboos...

OK. I'm ready to just put it out there. I'm sure I'll get some criticism. Fine. I'm sure I'll get some comments. Even more fine. I'm hoping to generate discussion - that's the whole purpose of a blog, right? With that said, I want to shatter the politics/religion taboo (you know, the two things you don't talk about in a public setting) by revealing my choice for President and why.

This isn't an attempt to sway your opinion. This isn't an attempt to stump. All I'm doing is telling you who and why. I welcome your comments that agree/disagree with my decision. After all, iron sharpening iron isn't necessarily a feel-goody experience is it?

First and foremost, even though I'm giving this ticket my vote, I do not agree 100% with their agenda for the future. I like some things from both candidate's platforms. As far as my choice is concerned, I tend to agree more with one than the other, however.

Secondly, I am excited that both candidates profess a genuine faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I realize this doesn't mean they are perfect in their morality, after all, who is? I'm not choosing because I think one is a "better" believer than the other. That's being judgemental.

Third, I feel both candidates would bring "change" to America. Either way, this election will be monumental. Either we will have the first President with African heritage, or we will have the first female Vice-President in the history of this nation. America will never be the same no matter which party wins.

So, who am I voting for? McCain and Palin.

Here's why:

First, McCain is a true-blue American. Obama grew up for most of his childhood outside the continental American states (he moved to Hawaii two years after it achieved statehood at a time when there still was a huge anti-American sentiment present and then the Islam-majority country of Indonesia). As a result, I feel he lacks, for lack of a better term, a certain amount of "American pride" that only comes from growing up in America.

Secondly, McCain is a champion for the unborn. He and his wife even adopted two girls from Mother Theresa's orphanage who most certainly would've died had they not done so. Obama's voting record on abortion is radically more liberal than even that of NARAL, the National Abortion Rights Action League, one of the nation's most powerful pro-abortion lobbying organizations. If you've kept up with my blog at all, Michele and I have just adopted a baby girl whose own life was in the balance shortly after her conception. I can't imagine my life without her. I simply can't give my vote to someone who won't fight to defend the unborn.

Thirdly, McCain has sacrificed his own body for this nation. He has shed his own blood for this nation. He has literally had his bones broken from torture for this country. His body is a testimony of his self-sacrifice for this country. Obama says America needs to come first, McCain has lived it.

Finally, McCain is more experienced to lead this nation. Obama announced his candidacy a mere 143 days after being sworn into office in the U.S. Senate. He had 143 days of work experience under his belt and then decided he could run this country? You couldn't become the chief of surgery with 143 days of surgical experience. You couldn't become a CEO of a Fortune 500 country with 143 days of business experience. You couldn't become a space shuttle commander with 143 days of astronaut experience. I have been a pharmacist for 8+ years now. I am a much better pharmacist today than I was after being on the job for only 143 days. Why? Experience. Obama may one day lead this nation, but right now, his lack of experience as an executive leader is a major reason why I can't vote for him.

So, there it is. What are some factors playing into your decision for President?


Emily P said...

You Go Kyle man! I am markin that box too! I am glad you are so bold as to share this very private decision with us. I am so ready to see the outcome of this election! Pray pray pray. I know you will. God bless Little Panter Fam!